The Last Word (2017)


The Last Word (2017)

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C. – 108m
Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1 – Widescreen
A.K.A.: In Memoriam
Starring: Shirley MacLaine, Amanda Seyfried, Philip Baker Hall, Thomas Sadoski and Anne Heche.

A old and retired business woman who is a control freak wants to write her own obituary. She hires a local writer to do the task and put together something that is reflective of her in her opinion. Along the way, an unlikely friendship forms. There is more plot and emotion here than meets the eye, which is a nice surprise. The cast is in top form and the material is elevated because of it, not that the material wasn’t good to start with. An agreeable film to view. 

Rated: [R] – Language
Available on Blu–ray DVD & Digital Copy.