John Cena

Blockers (2018)


Blockers (2018)

C – 102m
Aspect Ratio: 2.39:1 – Widescreen
A.K.A.: Cherries, The Pact
Prod.s: Chris Fenton, Seth Rogan, Jon Hurwitz and James Weaver
Dir.: Kay Cannon
Starring: Leslie Mann, John Cena, Ramona Young, Kathryn Newton, Miles Robbins, Gary Cole, Graham Phillips and Jill Jane Clements.

Parents accidentally find out a pact that their daughters have to lose their virginity on prom night and set out to stop them. American Pie for girls with meddling parents as the heroes of the film. Nice twist on the Pie storyline. For those who care Kay Cannon, the director of this film, wrote the Pitch Perfect series. This made her a natural choice to direct this (if you will pardon the pun) coming of age story. The film has more to it than meets the eye and ear in the advertisement campaign (television spots and theatrical trailers). The casting is perfect and there is a lot of heart behind the otherwise crude jokes. At that, the jokes start off as cringe worthy but elevate from there after the first little bit of the film. If one can stomach vulgarity, than this is a breeze. If one can’t see past the crudeness, than this film may not be for them. The parents are played as slow, which may appeal to teens, though they ultimately prove to be more on top of things than you may think. The teens are played as highly intelligent and very self–aware. While the accuracy of that may be questioned, it works well for this film to have well–rounded characters. Seldom do these kinds of comedies score high with this reviewer, but this one hits all the right notes. It would be a shame to miss this one!  

Trivia: The title is short for: “Cock Blockers”. Due to censorship on advertising, a silhouette of a rooster (a cock by definition of gender) is shown in front of the word Blockers on the advertisements to suggest the full title.

Rated: [R] – Crude And Sexual Content, And Language Throughout, Drug Content, Teen Partying, & Some Graphic Nudity
Available on Blu–ray, DVD & Digital Copy